Tuesday, August 15, 2017

10 days left for communities to nominate their local heroes


Community charity, Groundwork is reminding communities across the UK that there is only ten days to go before nominations close for the inaugural Groundwork Community Awards, a ceremony that will recognise the local people that fly the flag for making their local area a better place to be.

The awards have been launched as a way of honouring small community groups making a big difference to everyone’s quality of life in their local area and to celebrate and reward groups who often get little recognition and support.

Visit the awards website: www.groundwork.org.uk/communityawards

There are ten awards that are up for grabs at the event, including best community garden or green space, community leader of the year, young community leader of the year and community group of the year, sponsored by Marks and Spencer.

The deadline for nominations is 25 August and the awards are simple to enter via an online system where community groups can highlight their own achievements – or can be nominated to receive an award in one of 10 categories reflecting the huge diversity of projects and services being delivered by community volunteers.

Shortlisted community groups will be invited to attend a national awards ceremony in central London on the evening of 2 November, hosted by respected BBC Broadcaster and Landscape Designer, Mark Lane.

Groundwork’s national chief executive, Graham Duxbury, said: “We have already had some outstanding applications come in but we know that there are so many other fantastic examples of community groups who work selflessly and tirelessly to improve their neighbourhoods.

“We want to encourage local communities to dig deep and consider who in their local area deserves to be recognised for ensuring our parks and open spaces are better looked after, libraries and heritage centres are kept open, food banks and furniture projects continue to help people meet their basic needs and communities are blazing a trail in recycling and renewable energy.

“These achievements are seldom noticed beyond the neighbourhood or the people directly benefiting. We want to celebrate the power of community action and the Groundwork Community Awards will shine a light on what’s already being achieved so that even more communities might be encouraged to get organised and get active.”

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